Passion Fruit, which grows wild
throughout the northern coastal region of Ecuador, is handpicked and
brought in to our processing plant in
It is either immediate processed or placed in
temporary holding

raw fruit is rarely seen or sold in open
produce markets in first world countries.
(See videos
one and
two to view closeups
of the fruit).
Traditionally, the
most valuable part of the fruit, in terms of commercial processing,
has been the fruit juice (sold in concentrated form).

Ecuador Passion Fruit also sells passion fruit concentrate,
an important goal of our company is to find more novel
uses for the seeds, excess fiber, and hulls -- which are
currently used primarily as cattle feed. (It is not uncommon to
see cows fight over passion fruit, which they consider quite a
treat.) The photo at left shows bulk fruit taken by conveyor
from the bulk incoming station to the washing and sorting
production line. (See

Whole fruit must be thoroughly
cleaned in an antimicrobial wash before being sorted. (See videos
one and
of cleaning station).

a thorough cleaning, the passion fruit must be sorted
before it moves on to be dehulled.
sorting video).

The fruit must then be dehulled,
a process which essentially then separates the fruit into its
three primary components: the outer hull, the sweet fruit juice --
which can be made to a variety of concentrate levels by simply
adjusting the water content -- and the fruit seeds. Further
processing allows "aromatic essence" to be produced as well,
concentrating the organoleptic essence of fruit into a
concentrated extract. (For the sake of brevity, not all
components of these latter stages of process manufacturing
are shown here).

One of the most valuable
components of passion fruit is the seed oil. Rarely
extracted for commercial purposes, the oil -- though
high in Omega 6 oils, comparable with most grain seed
oils -- has remarkable properties. Not only cows, but
pets, particularly dogs, respond strongly to
its aroma and flavor.
Request a Free Sample

Qualified prospects
are invited to request a
free sample of our
products (see "
Products" page).